Foam Board Cutters and Accessories
We stock various Foam board accessories including the Cos-Tools Range of Foam Board Cutters and Foam 2 foam Glue.
The Cosplay Cutters cutters are a complete line of tools designed to cut, model and build with foamboard. Cos-Tools are a comparable range to Foamwerks but marketed for those enthusiasts of Cosplay, which is the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction (such as a comic book or video game)
They are accurate, easy to use and able to cut circles, straight edges, v-grooves, small holes and rabbet edges. All feature quick-change blades and ergonomic designs. Also available is a full range of replacement blades.
If you need to bond foamboard to foamboard then you need Foam 2 Foam glue, the perfect adhesive solution which won't dissolve the foam centre unlike most other brands.
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